Since if finally stopped raining and the sun came out I think I can actually call it a garden. The tomatoes have gone crazy and I had to stake them. I cut a few small cedars to build a structure to stretch string across.
Other things are doing ok, but not great. Peppers, artichokes, lettuce, corn, egg plant, and squashes. I am trying a new short season corn, supposed to harvest in 55 days. Well it is about 8 inches tall and I can already see tiny ears of corn.
The bees appear to be doing great. I say “appear” because my mantra this year is “leave them alone”. They are coming and going in good numbers and still finding pollen. I won’t go into the hives again until July 3rd and yes it is killing me!
We processed our meat chickens last weekend. 11 out of 11 survived. I didn’t weigh them, but would put them up against anything in the local store. After cooling them for 24 hours, we vacuum sealed them all, freezing 5 whole, parting out 5, and cooking one immediately.
There are also still 6 out of 6 Jr. Roosters. This last week they are taking turns trying to roost under the coop instead of in the coop. I chase them around in the dark cursing until in the end they sleep IN the coop. Like little rebellious teenagers. UGH!
No changes regarding the rabbits. They are NOT enjoying the heat. On the 90+ degree days I give them each a frozen two liter bottle of water around noon to get through the hottest part of the day. Still looking for a pedigreed American Blue doe or two, if any one has them for sale.
The house was in great shape when we bought it. But since my last update post we have replaced the roof and installed an attic fan. Next up in early fall is geothermal heating and cooling.